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Investigating Shower Leak

How Do You Investigate A Shower Leak: Expert Guide

15 August 2023

Shower leaks can be deceptive, often hidden behind walls or under floors. Understanding how to properly investigate a shower leak is key to quick and effective repairs. This guide will walk you through the professional approach to diagnose the root cause of a shower leak.

Steps to Investigate a Shower Leak

Detecting a shower leak involves a systematic approach to ensure no potential leak sources are overlooked. Here’s how professionals do it:

1. Visual Inspection:

Initial assessment begins with a visual inspection, looking for obvious signs like water stains, mould, or damaged tiles and grout.

2. Checking for Tile and Grout Damage:

Cracked tiles or deteriorated grout can often be the culprits behind shower leaks. These areas are examined closely.

3. Testing the Shower Tray:

Shower trays are tested for integrity, ensuring they are effectively containing water without any seepage.

4. Water Pressure Test:

A water pressure test helps identify any leaks in the plumbing system connected to the shower.

5. Moisture Detection:

Using moisture meters, hidden leaks behind walls or under floors are detected without the need for invasive methods.

6. Sealant and Joint Inspection:

Inspecting the sealants around the shower area, including door frames and where walls meet the shower tray, is crucial.

Professional Solutions for Shower Leaks

At Prestige Shower Repairs, our team is equipped with the expertise and tools to efficiently locate and fix shower leaks.

Comprehensive Repair Services:

Once the source of the leak is identified, our technicians provide a range of repair services, from tile and grout repair to plumbing fixes.

Advanced Techniques for Leak Detection:

We use the latest technology to ensure accurate detection of leaks without causing unnecessary damage to your property.

Don’t let a shower leak turn into a larger issue. For a thorough investigation and expert repair services, contact Prestige Shower Repairs.

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Shower Repair

Prestige Shower Repairs

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